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Around the time a few months back when most hardcore Classic players were approaching level 40, I noticed many youtube videos showing gold farming locations for the basic mount. 

I did not participate in this because most gold farming locations are essentially of the same value with some minor variations due to chance, the type of drop and the susceptibility or otherwise to certain class abilities. You are looking at around 10 gold per hour generally speaking from most level appropriate mobs, in a best-case scenario.

However, one of the best all-round locations I have found is Dabyrie's Farmstead (level 31-33) in northern Arathi Highlands. This is a terrain exploiters dream-there are numerous buildings and objects to jump to get out of melee range and reset combat quickly if you aggro too many mobs. 

You will almost never die here if you plan your escape route. This allows for much more aggressive farming without additional risk.

The area is popular with frost mages (there was always at least one there when I looked), but the re-spawn rate is fast, it didn't seem to make much difference how many players were there. In fact I had more of a problem with mobs re-spawning on top of me.

 The best possible location for farming your first mount, at least for classes which specialize in single target damage, is the lvl 35-36 "Warug Guard"  instant spawn at 74,67 in Desolace.

The Warug Guards are barely mentioned in lists of farming locations, and at first I found it difficult to understand why. This is the truest form of instant re-spawn, they take only a few seconds to re-appear and crucially, re-spawn in the exact same location-not behind a rock or a crevice in a generalized area as hyper-spawns often do.

The reason this location is not so popular is that the mobs are bugged and periodically re-spawn as friendly - after which time they remain friendly and unkillable for periods of up to 24 hours . This appeared to happen randomly which is why I'm guessing no one else published this spot publicly. This has apparently been a bug since vanilla.

After several days farming and testing I managed to reverse-engineer the cause: the mobs bug when you kill them before one of them has had the chance to re-spawn. The solution is very simple: avoid killing them at the same time


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