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The Horde quest "Combat Training", a way down the Western Plaguelands chain, awards you a valkyr which itself can raise up to 4 farmers from the dead to fight for you. 

As I have mentioned in my post on Korrak's Revenge the valkyr will follow you through any port and fight for you as a combat bet. She vanishes if you attempt to leave the area normally, you must hearth or use another form of long-distance  teleportation. 

Since then I have found a way to get the farmers to follow you also. Raise some farmers with the valkyr.  Move in and out of the quest zone a few times to establish a point where the farmers vanish. At that point you need to "dismiss" your valkyr-then the farmers will not disappear and follow you anywhere in the eastern or Western Plaguelands-a significant aid to leveling. 

The farmers kill most of the things in the zone fairly easily though their health will deplete overtime. 

Note that the farmers can be combined with other quest pets that can be glitched such as Johnny Awesome (see archives) to create a potentially huge army. 

Alliance can pull the same trick on their version of this trick by simply edging in and out of the appropriate zone, as I've mentioned a number of times now. This is the first time a method for Horde has been published.


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