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 I caught this unusually lucid description of an exploit on the wow bug report forums from "Cubes":

[BUG] Druid Travel Form: Allows druids to move at travel form speed, in any form or outside of form. Works indoors, outdoors, and inside of instances. (Also works after you use flight path, or after you use boat, tram, zeplin)

Step 1: Be level 30+
Step 2: Cast travel form
Step 3: Run into Inn. Or (if inside of city) a building which you would normally be taken out of form (dismounted) in.
Step 3 1/2: While running inside of a building or inn, instantly log out before you are taken out of travel form and continue to hold W through logout and login.
Step 4: Login

Bug will persist until you enter travel form again.

Cubes posted a video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=-8UCYDDgpEo&feature=emb_logo 

I thought at first this may just be a visual but it appears from the video that Cubes is using form-appropriate abilities whilst travelling at maximum speed. 

Naturally, this bug will have a dramatic effect on leveling speed, not to mention gifting the player an extraordinary advantage in pvp.


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