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My most recent controversial youtube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc0PysDU7ug contains an exploit that has some potential for duping "player-kill" items. 

Since the player can resurrect almost instantly on the spot (assuming a medium-to-fast computer, note that there has been a significant upgrade to wow's performance in 8.1), it is currently the fastest accessible method for players to grind honor. 

In addition the Draenor garrison offers players the chance to build a "Gladiator's Sanctum" which ideally should be level 2. Players with the sanctum receive "broken bones" in exchange for pvp kills. 

These bones can be turned into the sanctum as "work orders" which subsequently yield gold and weapons (wod weapons retain their original relatively high vendor values from that expansion). 

The work orders do not complete instantly: however by using your "garrison cache" at the front of your garrison you can gain garrison resources which can be exchanged for rush order: gladiator's sanctum from your garrison quartermaster, which allow the work orders to complete instantly. 

The "traditional" method of exploiting the sanctum was this: you needed a priest and two players of the opposite faction, a and b, one of whom would be naked. a would kill b, the priest would resurrect b and the process would repeat. A would generate broken bones. Some exploiters have referred to this as a "duping" method, I see it as more of a farming method personally, but I prefer to use standardized terminology.

This method has the advantage that the 8.2 second priest resurrection prevents the normal resurrection cooldown from happening, making the process as fast as though possible at the time. (There is also a potential issue in that this method was recently practiced by a very large number of people to grind honor in a somewhat famous incident at the end of Legion, something which may possibly cause it to be an activity Blizzard now look for). 

 This is a good method and it is still viable for large groups/multi-boxing many accounts. However it does require multiple players and/or multi-boxing. 

An alternative method which works better for solo players or duos: 

1) Player A goes to their garrison and speaks to Seer Kazzal, spamming multiple raids, then entering the first que that pops. They then teleport out of the dungeon.

2) Player B stands outside player A's garrison. 

3). Player A meets player B outside the garrison. Player A removes gear.

4) Player B kills player A. Player B gains broken bones.

5) Player A uses "leave instance group" while dead. Player A then enters the raid and teleports out back to the garrison entrance, now alive.

6) Process repeats until the number of raid instances A has joined is depleted.

7) Player A returns to Seer Kazzal to refresh his raid instances and the entire process repeats.

In addition to a decent if unspectacular amount of raw gold this method allows the player to gain certain titles and achievements which are now virtually impossible to attain normally. I do not generally go into details about achievements, but it is worth pointing out that some online services charge significant amounts of dollars for boosting players so they can receive these titles. It also creates apexis crystals which can be exchanged for tradeable items such as pets.


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