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There are numerous interesting bugs in 8.0. Here is a short summary.

There is a LOT broken in 8.0. It took me many hours to assemble this list from various unofficial and official reports on the internet. Given less than 1% of such reports contain information useful to exploiters, it is worth mentioning for those who like to research I've very likely missed some things.

1. Patreons Timur Kılıç and Michael contacted me to point out the item Darkmoon Deck: Promises  (http://www.wowhead.com/item=128710/darkmoon-deck:-promises) is broken.

Here is the message patreon Michael sent me:

 Already posted this on Ownedcore to bump my auctions but I'll let you  know about this too. Darkmoon Deck: Promises is currently broken af for  Rets, Frost DKs, Aff locks and probably a whole lot of other classes  too.  Rets don't lose Holy power, Dks don't lose runic power and aff locks  don't lose soul shards. I saw someone complain about one ret pally  pulling crazy numbers on wowlogs. Checked it out and bought out all 50+  trinkets on the AH. Relisted them for 50x the original amount and  they're selling like hot cakes. 

2. Druid order hall item Thornstalk Barbs (http://www.wowhead.com/item=140394/thornstalk-barbs) is doing insane damage, almost 30k per tick:


3. There are unconfirmed reports of players using items with pvppower on (this being a short-lived stat in mop era wow which remains on some weapons of that xpac) scaling badly - some 90 twinks are reportedly one-shotting 110's. 

4. A paladin reported that he was effectively immortal in Alterac Valley due to high levels of the leech stat, attributing this to casting Blessing Of Kings/Wisdom on the horde NPC leader Drek'Thar. The paladin reported that other players also seemed to be invincible:


5. World PVP Raiders are reporting that they can endlessly attack cities by avoiding going into war mode. This means any enemy players who respond are put into war mode shards where they are out of phase with the raiders, who can kill npc's indefinitely.  


6. Many, many npc's are reported to be one-shotting players through incorrectly scaled op abilities eg Kolkar Stormer in Barrens, whose cloud lightning is doing roughly 30K damage. Players with mind-control type abilities that allow them to control these mobs temporarily, or more practically turn them into pets for short periods, can potentially utilize this broken scaling to their advantage. 

7.. Nodes of ore and herbs are not permitting themselves to be mined or gathered in Northrend and Pandaria. This is going to affect supply levels for those items. If you have stores of or some non-standard way of mining these items you should be able to charge a premium-increasingly so the longer this goes on.

8. Amani Charm Of The Bloodletter http://www.wowhead.com/item=33930/amani-charm-of-the-bloodletter , a consumable item from Zul'Aman has not been scaled down properly and is is one-shotting everything when active. This effect is confined to its own instance. Broken scaling on damage items like this may create interesting opportunities for levelling.

More will follow shortly...I don't ever remember a patch this broken. 


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