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Sharken808 has created this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-uMQbiwKKE when he reveals a revelation about the way instance lockout works currently, credited to "painbow". In it Sharken808 reveals that instance lockout does not apply to characters on different realms. Also, you can run one new instance indefinitely.

What Sharken does not mention is that connected realms become very important in this situation as gold can be transferred easily between characters while getting double the normal instance cap numbers. For players on unconnected realms it may still be possible if one realm has an active battle pet market-battle pets can be caged and traded crossrealm.

I'll add another important point to all this new information: there's a mechanism known as a soft reset which applies to many raids and dungeons. After 30 minutes all trash leading to a specific unkilled boss will reset. This mechanism isn't exactly unknown but it was a mechanism associated with Vanilla and BC era raids and is rarely spoken of nowadays. I have never seen any one mention the following method.

During Vanilla/BC it was horrendously impractical to grind up alte as become easy post-Cataclysm. Nowadays many players have hit character cap. For players with multiple alts can be exploited by characters on the same realm (you don't need to use any of the tricks in the first two paragraphs of this article).

Enter raid/dungeon. Farm all trash without killing any bosses. Exit dungeon. Log onto secondary character. Enter the same raid/dungeon and farm trash without killing any bosses. Repeat until you hit instance cap. Now, log back onto the first character you used, precisely half an hour after that first character left the dungeon. You will find the trash has respawned. 

How effective this is depends on the number of characters you have on that realm. If you have 10 you will gain an effective extra ten lockouts for double the farming profits. If you have 5 you will only gain an extra 5 lockouts (5x2 lockouts + 5 soft resets=15 in total). 

Soft resets apply universally to earlier raid and dungeon instances-later raids and dungeons may or may not have soft reset mechanics. Certain instances appear to sometimes have them and sometimes not depending on the whims of developers from patch to patch eg Heart Of Fear.

Finally, it is commonly believed that class trial characters cannot run duneons or raids. In fact this is mostly true, but the warlords/legion raids can be run. There are some creative ways to use class trials to make money in this which I'll cover in subsequent articles.


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