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A pvp team has developed an ingenious method of using the mage polymorph spell to dc players explained in a bug report post here:   https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20762017518 , which links to a video demonstration here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj5ZY8NrBNI.

Essentially the bug allows a mage to use polymorph to dc any attacker on the top floor of the alliance base-making it virtually impossible to kill a flag carrier 

The glitch is due to a hole in the ceiling between the room immediately south and to the left of the alliance flag room - it used to be possible to actually see it physically using a console command and the hole is quite large. 

More generally a bug that seems to have plagued wow pvp forever is interaction between transformation/motion abilities often produces dc's, not necessarily in all situations but reliably enough to garner a significant edge. 


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