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Note comments of Patreons below, this farm has proven difficult to sustain indefinitely. I'm leaving this one up since it is very interesting and has great potential, but a piece of the puzzle is missing.

Recentlly I've been researching smaller youtubers, and I came across this video by Dala gg about an instant respawn farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQatDjIN9Gk

It is a very strange video, Dala gg describes but doesn't actually show the farm in question, cutting away to some footage of some random scenery for no particular reason, to the extent the video received a number of downvotes and several commenters accused him of making it all up. 

I looked into it and discovered the farm works exactly as Dala gg describes it. Multiple mobs respawn extremely fast at the exact location Dala shows before cutting away.  Somehow Dala had discovered an instant respawn farm that no one else knew about years after Draenor was current content and, even more strangely, presented in an offhand manner that very few people would bother to investigate.

Dala's estimate of 10K raw gold  appears accurate. Whether this is interesting depends on your gold-making preferences, many people like raw gold for its simplicity or because they can't sell things on a low pop realm, and this is faster than almost every other form of raw gold farming. On the other hand raw gold farms are invariably inferior to farming items which can be sold on the AH.

In addition to the raw gold some relatively valuable items that go into the construction of the garrison auction house can drop. 

EDIT: Patreons seem to be having some trouble with the respawning mobs simply ceasing to spawn after an interval. Some testing reveals this happens irregularly - it can be a few seconds or an hour.  I have not isolated the trigger but it seems that keeping the boss alive and avoiding simultaenous kills (ie large aoe), with a focus on single-targetting helps preserver the respawning.


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