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In this earlier post https://www.patreon.com/posts/10681937 , I explained how Shadow Priests could do millions of damage by targetting a low-level mob and exploit the pvp talent Psychic Link. 

The one obvious drawback is that you had to be in a pvp location where you also had access to a low-level critter. 

The artifact trait "Sphere Of Insanity" works the same way and does not require pvp targets. The tooltip reads:  

The Sphere of Insanity manifests for the duration of Voidform. Your Void Bolts, Mind Blasts, and

Mind Spike
Mind Spikes
Mind Flays 

cause the sphere to duplicate 5% their damage to all enemies affected by your Shadow Word: Pain. 

As with psychic link you can test this on the target dummies in Stormwind/Orgrimmar by casting Shadow Word: Pain on a high-level dummy then using Mind Blast on a low-level dummy or critter. 

Because only 5% of the damage is duplicated the dps gain from this is strong rather than gamebreaking, that said, it can be used in many situations where psychic link cannot. I am having fun with this targetting critters in the Frost Lord Ahune Midsummer festival dungeon currently.


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