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The NPC Drungeld Glowerglare


a dwarf who spawns 63.6, 78 in the southernmost cave in the Wetlands, is the fastest re-spawning npc in that expansion.

He mostly drops nothing of value, but since he can be killed again and again instantly you will pick up interesting uncommon items quite quickly

Those of you who may know other fast re-spawning npc's may wish to keep that under wraps for the time being so we have something else to use if this mob gets fixed.


Archvaldors Warcraft Hacks Premium

Did you notice the (pre-cata) in the title mate? Drungeld has a longer spawn on retail. Btw ty for the (sad) info on the courier that was what motivated me to try to find replacements.


Oh shit, I took this to mean SoD...I'd forgotten about cata classic. I am insane after all.