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Blizzard's new Battle Royale game has been released and is highly exploitable. 

Using Lag To Beat Plunderstom

The easiest way to gain an advantage in Plunderstorm is lag manipulation. You will need a tool to induce lag such as this one: https://mega.nz/#!u5QWmDJL!ifiZLTd3uQDK0lQXGafRUw7Enrl-DQ6OCWxpTEetXIw


1. Download Lag7.

2. Enter Plunderstorm.

3. Activate any motion-based ability such as Barrel or Faeform.

4. Press f1 or other keybind you chose to active lag7..

5. Wheeeee!

6. Cancel Lag7 by pressing f1 again before 8 seconds elapse to prevent being disconnected.

Longer Explanation

Lag severs the connection between your computer and Blizzard servers. Because disconnections happens all the time for various reasons  Blizzard allows a maximum of 8 seconds to elapse before disconnecting you completely and requiring a re-log to access their game. 

 While lagging you enter a special site where some effects which are controlled by Blizzard servers are not updated.  Speed and other mobilty effects are not updated. This means you can extend the effects of abilities like Faeform , Barrel and Fire Whirl. 

Extending the effects of these abilities for 8 seconds longer than they were supposed to is very broken in a Battle Royale-type game as most of the time, when you are killed by another player, it will be because they have greater player power at that point in the game. By using lag you can escape from any scenario where this might occur. 

The Storm And Lag

Additionally the effects of the storm only apply to you while lagging when its buff has already been applied to you. This gives you a critical advantage. 

Infinite Resurrection Method (Duo Only)

This works in duos only and requires you to reach at least level 5. You will need a damage immunity effect such as FaeForm or anything that ignores damage for any amount of time. if you  stand next to the revive location for your partner you can resurrect them before you die. Once you die it will take about 1-7 seconds for storm damage to start ticking. If you time your heal / Fae Form properly you can survive the storm forever.

Speculative Methods (Theory-crafters Only)

The following methods have been suggested by credible sources but are not explained fully and consequently are only of interest to theory-crafters.

1. Players are somehow disconnecting and surviving storm damage. ( I tried various ways of reproducing this and could not.)

2.  Some abilities are finding their way out of the starting area into the game giving individual players a huge advantage. 

(This one is very likely to be happening as Blizzard almost always mess this type of thing up. However I have not managed to work out which abilities are surviving).