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“What’s wrong, Little Tigress?” Gage voice echoed from her side and Eva tore her gaze from the car’s window to look back at him.

The inside of this Rolls-Royce Phantom limo was quite spacious for just the two of them. So he had his long legs crossed at the ankles and leaned back so casually in his seat as he regarded her with those pools of dark, gorgeous eyes. Eva was momentarily sucked into those deep pools and forgot to reply for a couple of seconds.

“Nothing. I think the wine got to me a little.” She mumbled, all her expressions and tone of voice returned fully to being Eva Young’s. After composing herself, she asked in her usual professional manner, “What urgent matter suddenly came up, Mr. Acheron?”

Gage did not respond for a moment and just regarded her with the gaze that Eva could not stand because it made her feel extremely self-conscious.

“Come here, Eva.” His silken voice beckoned her to go to him.

Eva was stunned at those words. “W-what?” she frowned at him. She did not know why those three words caused some kind of shiver to travel through her. And it was definitely not fear. It was… damn it, Gage! Why does he love to mess with her heart and mind? And what the hell was with that ‘come here, Eva’ line? She bristled and grumbled internally.

“I said come here.” Something dark yet warm wove through his deep voice, compelling her to want to obey his command. His eyes seemingly trying to pull her towards him again.

Eva’s breath nearly hitched at those words and that captivating voice. When did she start feeling overwhelmed just by him commanding her? And what was with him suddenly commanding her like this while looking at her so hypnotizingly like that?! Could he not play around with her?!

“How stubborn.” He sighed out helplessly before smiling. Then he bent over and reached out for her hand. ‘If only you know you’re the only woman who can resist my charms and disobey me like this…’ he muttered inaudibly under his breath.

“Are you being jealous of your sister now, darling?” he asked, a mischievous but serious gleam dancing in his beautiful eyes.

“What?!” she exclaimed. The word ‘jealous’ had her heart almost jumping out of her throat. “Why would… what’s wrong with you –” she stammered as she spoke, sentence all broken and not making any sense. Feeling aggrieved at him teasing her so much, she shot him an angry glare.

The driver suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the next thing she knew, she was already sitting on his lap, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist, already securing her from being thrown around.

Wide eyed, Eva looked at him. What the hell was that? What sick coincidence was this?! It was almost as if the car had braked and forced her into his arms because she had disobeyed him! Were the fates even conspiring against her?! She was speechless for a few moments as she blinked up at Gage.

“Apologies, Sir. There’s a rock that fell on the road.” The driver announced and when Gage nodded, the driver raised the partition again.

What kind of reason was that?! Eva quickly shook her head. It seems she had drunk too much wine tonight. These emotions and thoughts were quickly getting out of hand. Get a grip on yourself, Eva!

Eva pushed against him so she could return to her own seat, but Gage did not let her go. “Tell me what’s wrong first, darling, and I’ll let you go.” He whispered, his warm and minty breath fanning over her neck. Oh gods…

“Stop calling me ‘darling’.” She wanted her voice to come out as a hiss. But sadly, it somehow came out shaky and unsure as she tried her best to stay clearheaded. Being in this man’s embrace was even more potent and heady than drinking few glasses of wine! She needed to get out of his arms and quickly.

He ignored her and cocked his head at her. “What you saw a while ago is not what you think.” He suddenly started explaining. “That particular scenario with that Jessa girl is most probably a calculated move by her than being an actual accident. She followed after me when I went to search for you. Then she walked past me in haste before turning around without warning that she bumped against me. And thus, resulting in what you saw.”

Eva’s lips parted, utterly speechless. He did not need to… explain that to her… why did he… oh gods… her emotions were getting the better of her now. She never expected him to explain. Knowing Jessa, Eva knew that she loved doing that. Jessa loved to scheme things to get what she wanted.

“No… of course not. Why should I get jea… jealous? You’re not mine or anything like that anyway…” her sentence faded off as she flushed. She forced herself to keep her composure that was completely falling apart. “I just… I just can’t stand that scent. Her perfume on you makes my head aches.”

A flash of heart-stopping smile graced his face. “I actually feel the same. I couldn’t wait to reach the hotel to take it off but now that you said you don’t like it as well…” he shifted and leaned back, spreading his arm a little. “Take my coat off now, Eva. Get rid of her scent on me yourself.” He willingly offered himself to her.

Thank you for your patience Little devils <3


Disha Patel

How obedient Gage🤭😉🤭

Stephanie Jones

Oh My 🥵oh so hot! He’s pealing off his clothes. 🫣🤭