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Jessa immediately frowned. Her innocent façade crumbling a little. “What do you mean he’s off-limits? Don’t tell me… is Mr. Acheron actually dating a mere secretary like you?” her voice turned shrill and snobbish, as she sneered at ‘Evelyn’.

“No.” Eva instantly replied. “Mr. Acheron is not dating his secretary. However, he’s already taken, and his lover had asked me to watch over him and keep dangerous women away from him. Therefore, my apologies again, Ms. Young.” Eva did not bother to hide the insinuation that Jessa was also identified in that group that she mentioned were the ‘dangerous women’. That caused Jessa to bristle in anger.

“Do you think we are blind to see how intimate the two of you were since the moment you entered the hall? I personally think Mr. Acheron’s lover should be wary of a leech like you, miss secretary.” Jessa sneered and snubbed Eva openly.

“Ah, that’s because Mr. Acheron’s lover trusts me, Ms. Young. And this is supposed to be a secret… but it seems that I will need to spell everything out for you.” Eva leaned in a little bit closer to Jessa and whispered in a stage whisper. “Our intimacy was actually all part of an act. It’s just our strategy so that any sensible women would stay away from him.” Eva then covered her mouth delicately with her one free hand and giggled cutely before saying, “But it seems like you, Ms. Young, are not amongst those sensible and high-bred women, are you not?” Eva raised a brow and tilted her chin up slightly as she narrowed her eyes at Jessa, giving the impression that she was looking down on her.

“How dare…” Jessa just barely stopped herself from blowing up. “And what made you think that I would believe any words that come from a mere secretary? Mr. Acheron, why don’t you say something?” She aggressively challenged Eva, before turning to look at Gage with a look as though she was being wronged by his secretary.

Eva stilled, shocked at how shameless Jessa was behaving. She could not believe she dared to behave this way, especially when Julian was still beside her! Were both their heads there only for decoration?!!

However, her heart started to thud intensely now. She could not help but still feel anxious that Gage might not support all her lies that she had spouted earlier. Damn it, Eva! Why did you say those things? Where did you even get the courage to spout all those nonsense in front of Gage himself?! Could she not come up with a better way?!

“Actually,” Gage started before pausing for a moment, and Eva found herself holding her breath, praying hard that Gage would just work with her just for this time at least. “Miss Lee is right. I am indeed taken.”

His answer made Eva feel like she could finally breathe again. She did not know why but she felt a warm sensation filling up her heart as she heard Gage agreeing with her. Then he had looked at her and winked in a conspiratorial manner, causing a tingle to work up from her toes and all the way up to her scalp.

After that, she turned back to look at her sister and smiled condescendingly, pleased with her win over Jessa this time.

“No, no… you’re lying, Mr. Acheron. You’re just covering up for your secretary!” Jessa shamelessly denied the claims, smirking at Eva even as she did that. My god, this little...

“Well, whether I am lying or not, I don’t owe you any explanations. Who do you think you are? Do you even have a say on anything I do?” Gage eyed Jessa from her head down to her toes with an uninterested and bland gaze.

Jessa froze, utterly shocked. Eva too actually. She had not seen that coming at all! She did not know Gage had such a side to him and that he could be so savage!

Eva was still so surprised that when Gage told her that they were headed back to their table, she stumbled a little as she turned to walk off. And Julian, who was still standing there, took that opportunity to catch her as she tripped, his hands grabbing her by the shoulders.

As his hands wrapped around her bare shoulders, his eyes flashed with lust at the feel of the smooth and satiny texture of her skin as he caught a whiff of a faint flowery scent that seemed to come from her.

Gage immediately turned and saw the whole exchange.

After Eva steadied herself, she looked at Gage and swore that his face seemed to have darkened at the sight of her being held by Julian. Even she herself shivered at the look on his face.

“Are you alright, Ms. Evelyn?” Julian’s familiar deep voice echoed in Eva’s ear but before she could react, she was yanked away from him. She only felt a warm and strong embrace wrapping around her shoulders that supported her as they walked off, totally ignoring the shameless duo who were just looking on as they left.

Eva was silently being led by Gage in an almost too intimate and protective manner towards their table.

She did not have any idea about the dangerously sharp and intense gaze Gage had thrown to Julian before he turned around and left with her.


Disha Patel

OMG how shameless this pair of birch and a scum is. Literally they don't even care to hide their intentions.

Stephanie Jones

Oh Boy things just got sticky! 😂 They are both jealous interesting to say the least. 🥸🤩🤭