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So, I got myself a pretty untimely block on Twitter! 

At first it was just a 12 hours suspension, because a bunch of Comicsgate rats report-snitched on three of my mildly rude replies: one about American conservatives fully deserving to eat shit instead of getting any good art in 2020, one where I called a very annoying CGer (after he basically called me a Russian bot) "a simpering dwarf"  - which I guess was reported as ableism, even though any non-philistine knows that it comes as a quote from "A Field in England" - and the third one being  a blurred photo of Shane Davis in chokehold during his famous original Art Car Caper incident (this one is pretty fair thing to get some twitter jail time, TBH). Still, this was clearly an abuse of report system by a party that 's been spending endless hours starting shit with people on Twitter only so they can promote the shitty "power rangers but cats" Indiegogo by Shane Davis himself in replies. The actually Comicsgate crap, basically,

A biggest issue appeared when, after me being incredibly bored and running a chain block on 40000 Comicsgaters, Twitter became even more suss about my account, shitting off the remaining site's functionality for me. And now to unlock it I need to enter a confirmation code received via robot phone call - the one thing that barely works for Russian accounts/phone numbers - especially around Covid AND Holidays. So, the suspension becomes indefinite for now - and while at it, I can't use my 9000-worth of followers platform for neither business OR (more importantly) venting

By now, a Comicsgater would've been crying on Parler or some shit about "SJW"s ruining his business already, but all I want to say (to them) is: 


But I do want my twitter account back, of course.

Have a nice Holiday time off with whichever method is available to you in the current situation, people. Thank you for being here with me in this terrible year! It'd be truly a pure nightmare without your support and love.




holy shit it's like whatever the opposite of an xmas miracle is at least you went down swining at the trash, hope you get the acc back soon


Now the only real Christmas Miracle I can hope for is some Twitter Support employee actually doing their job on the other side of the ocean :D


mayb in the meantime you can get some in-fights going between clueless fashy boomers and cg fashy nerds on parler by saying they're censoring your 132th ammendement or smth


Stupid question: can you still DM on the birdy app?


nope T_T I need to log off to see any twitter pages other than the one which asks me to enter the activation code from robot call. So DM me here or on IG, while it lasts T____T


Cool. I was just wondering. I really have nothing vital to impart other than Haprey Holimas and I Think You Draw Good.


Cheesy as it sounds, but I already feel like I was cut off from a big component of my life. So, you know! T__T


Dude. I hope that's a "extremely online" fic, otherwise I'm very sorry for your Twitter troubles. Also: do consider erasing all the signs of existence of those CG people. I've done it via muting a never-ending amount of words and I'm happier. It's surprising how... absolutely nothing of value is lost. Happy holidays


That's what I tried to do! I used a Chrome extension to chain block most of those people through profiles of the "big daddies" all of them are subscribed to. But when I was done with it, twitter was even more confident that I'm doing something illegal with my profile XD


Ugh. That sucks. Rest assured that at least you aren’t gonna get rid of me that easy? I stalk you across multiple platforms.


I still don’t get the divide of ‘us’ and ‘then’ but then again I try not to follow drama especially in an industry built around comic books. I hope you get your twitter back, good luck :)


Thank you! But I think this is more about the made-up divide of "political" and "apolitical" art, in which one exists and the other does not. Because any art is political in nature, and even if we try to apply some good faith to the CG movement, somehow the "apolitical" art always turns out just being inherently conservative and reactionary, while those seemingly "apolitical" creators are constantly enabling violence pro-trump movements, raving lunatics abusing their "free speech" with promoting extremist conspiracy theories and actual rapists trying to panel on shows for teens. And somwhow -I dunno, SOMEHOW - the biggest figurehead of the movement still can not shut up about how BLM and antifa are actual fascists - almost as if reactionary political commentary is the best gift for extorting money out of gullible conservatives who think that they are the oppressed minority.


Yeah, that’s the double edged sword of having free speech. I know you’re not in the USA but here we believe our free speech is an indelible right, even when what’s being said is ugly unfortunately. I’ve found the best way to deal with speech you don’t like is to personally distance one’s self from it. I don’t know much of the CG’s groups or politics but I know that they make comics so my only concern with them, and any comic creator really, is that their books are good. That should be the first, second, and third concern of any comic creator, wether in the mainstream or CG, indie or self published. Just make good comics. Don’t get mired in the sludge of politics, it’ll eat you up.


Sorry mate but you have no idea how condescending that traditional thing about Americans valuing their free speech so much sounds, whether you want it or not :D The only unique thing about American use of speech is how ugly your nation's understanding of it's "freedom" is - because it allowed Americans to proclaim so many other handy and delusional "freedoms" for themselves that the whole rest of the world will soon be choking for any air left. And mind you, I got reported and blocked out of my "freedom" for calling a person a quote from Ben Wheatley's movie, and I bet the guys who reported me still "believes" in his own free speech. It just doesn't apply to filthy Russians, or filthy Antifas, or those goddamn Cultural Marxists.


(also forgive me, but if you ARE actually following any CG books and promotions, or, even worse, buying and reading them, you are either selectively blind or intentionally oblivious about how CG actually works. They've been sucking off the air from any spaces they've entered in the last 4 years, turning any relevant industry issue into issue of them being censored and victimized, overblowing any progressive notions in the industry into absurdist lies. "Good comics"? Dagger Dagger is good comics, and we didn't promote it off the back of cultural war or other more popular creators, who are supposedly our sworn enemies. CGers constantly start shit with people and then immediately promote their campaign of the week for their cronies who gather in the comments, hungry for another "customer service" drama. Worst of all, just as Gamergate before, what started as a specifically American issue of people not being able to process media in any mature way, quickly managed to poison the global conversation on the widest subjects of popular culture with mindless repetitiveness of anti-SJW rhetoric, false narratives and comfortable lies. Just like anti-BLM movement is States, pre-packaged for quick and easy consumption through simplified and dumbified racist and libertarian narratives, is now making things worse even here, in Russia)


You had every right to insult the person using a quote from a film. It got you reported, by your own account, for being insulting. That’s ultimately on you, we’re responsible for our own actions after all. However, I don’t support cancel culture and I truly hope you get your twitter back because my point is that censorship is wrong and controlling language and the use of it is detestable. I don’t care which group does it, it’ll always be wrong. So, as I said I hope you get it back.


Who says anything about "cancel culture" (other that CG panickers)? Cancel culture, as it's being presented, is a myth, and it had nothing to do with my suspension. I wasn't "cancelled" for telling a bunch of clowns to fuck off :D Nor will I ever be with evidence of such act. I recognize the corporate bullshit of social media game and how reckless I got with it. I'll be fine. I also recognize how unbearable comics community has become in the last 4 years - not because of any Big Two policies, or talentless TV pitch hack writers, or archaic business models of the direct market; it's because of the domestic terrorism level of hate generated by a group that is undeniably right-wing and political in anything but their mission statement. And they're not fine. And in all those years of constantly being an eyesore, Comicsgate contributed next to nothing to solving the actual problems of our beloved comics medium, only created a bunch of new ones instead. I want to have nothing to do with their ideology on consumerism, individualism and faux "meritocracy", based on financial exploitation of their own audience. I am of a better opinion of both comics and people who read them.


(Is stopping someone from saying "They Will Not Replace Us" detestable, too? Is there maybe a reasonable merit of freedom of speech, propaganda and disinformation, thoroughly explored everywhere in the developed world except for US?)


I just meant cancel culture in the sense that you were de-platformed is all. As for the CG being the reason the industry is in danger, that’s a lot of power being put into a fringe group. I don’t buy their books but I also don’t buy a lot of the stuff being put out today. As you said, archaic direct market practices should be changed. However, hack writers and creators of unseeable garbage books need to be addressed as well. Which is why I mentioned earlier that everyone’s concerns should be about making good comics first. There’s a reason why the back catalog of many publishers sell better than any of their current work after all. Anyway, I’m not here to antagonize you, my friend. Hopefully the industry can get can get past petty bickering one day, on both sides.


One final note, tho - industry is in danger because of capitalism, always. Mainstream comics are mired down by the economics of big corporations, old white men’s nepotism and bad management, not “progressive”politics or some liberal quotas. And CG is too small and too self-serving of a subculture to influence anything even economically, no matter how much money circulates inside the group, just like groups of philatelists do not influence USPS, even if a rare postmark sells for dozens of thousands in cash. There’s no dialogue on art form and format, ethics, creative processes, philosophy and culture in the movement either. Only surface-level proclamations of incredibly daft ideas, andI can’t imagine them influencing the art form as it is in any meaningful and productive ways. Shallow as it is, Marvel still does a good job of creating new generations of comics fans. We need art cooperatives, not market-oriented individualism, if we want a healthy alternative to superhero- and TV-oriented mainstream, or even a conversation on it. But, to my main point: my community and my friends ARE in danger of a future stalkers, attackers or even spree killers emerging from the worst, most radical sections of comicsgate, because that is what those right-wings groups always do. Endless Youtube streams between a dozen of micro-influencers, 4- or 8-chan threads and unmoderated platforms like Parler are the way to go for a future disaster. Ideologically, CG is against education, it could only accept indoctrination through the narrow tunnel vision of CG news sites and videos.

Guy Pradel

Hope you get a nice time off twitter, happy holidays ! (just don't think about all the juicy drama and awful takes and you will be fine :p)

Guy Pradel

JFK Junior is alive and have endorsed Trump as the next US president.

Guy Pradel

I'm sending the transcript right now, you should receive them as quickly as my last package :p