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So, regarding that new Patreon tax thing (you all should be getting some emails about that stuff today): I tried to set everything up so that none of my tiers are taxable. it's all either 100% general support, or one-time gifts. So, there should be no extra payments on your side - or at least I hope so.  The new rules should come into effect on July 1st, and if there will be some abnormally high charges to your cards next month - be sure to let me know! We gotta makes sense of this dang thing together.




I tried to make sense of this last night. Hoping I set it up right. I cant see how anything I'm doing should be taxable

Guy Pradel

Wait... What ?


I loved how there were instructions on loopholing the system in the official articles

Guy Pradel

Hum... since many of my rewards are "Downloadable Digital Goods" some of my Patreons will have to pay.


You can still have two or three benefits per tier with General Support as 80, 90 or even 100% benefit and Downloadable Digital Goods as 20, 10 or 0%. Measuring the percentage in only up to you and is, more or less, a philosophical question.

Guy Pradel

I just changed it and I think I choosed two tax free categories, "General Support/General support" and "General support/Exclusive post and updates". The PDFs are now gifts for giving me support...