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Just one more page of the chapter left to go! Woah!

Hypothetically, younger/less hairy Meed should have even more of Boris Karloff's features, but I just couldn't resist dropping in some of  Vladimir Zamansky, too. Such a dashing lad from "Первороссияне"!

 (I think I just drew him like that in one of print copies of Nihilism #2, but it stuck in my head for good and I ended up repeating the image in the actual comics). 

But most importantly, cats are finally ot out of the bag - literally! Dushan is finally here, and I wonder how many of you remember him from my series of Montenegro poscards - or 2017's April Fool's joke about my upcoming "Blacksad"("Черногруст") comic:

Turns out the joke was only a half-joke after all, haha!
