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Here's my fun little sketchbook from the first half of Inktober month of 2017. I was planning to spend second half of that month preparing this for print as a tiny book (just in time for our local Halloween-flavored comic convention, mind you!) - but ended up catching a nasty flu and lying half-dead for nearly a week. But maybe I'll print it along with Slavic Nihilism #2 later this year... Who knows!

This weird little sequence of images is the result of my read through different folk tales of Khanty and Mansi people. The beginning of SON is partially inspired by one of these tales: the elder god creates a son for himself, but gets bored with him very quickly and closes his hapless offspring inside a house made of iron.

Selecting a theme for the month of Inktober is always a pain - I want to have an occasion to draw fanart, folklore stuff,  something sequential, but not related to work... If only I could followed up every Inktober with some sort of Movievember, Fancember or Miyazakuary!

And BTW - although the entire story is shown in the video, SON is also available as PDF here is my Gumroad shop - or as part of the starting kit for $5 patrons ;)



My little project for Inktober 2017 Music: СРУБ - Горицвет


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