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After our last patreon request video we've received a lot of questions about our Patreon merch, how it works, and how to get specific designs.

Before we get to that though, there was a ton of positive feedback about our fucked up "Temporary Design" Meade t-shirt.  I have made the executive decision to keep that design for month 12 of Cloutlaw 3.  The Hypebeast Pizza > Toothbrush design has been tweaked and will be sent out to anyone who has been at our newest merch tier -- Cloutlaw 4 -- for 3 months.

I understand that the whole changing tiers is confusing so let me explain that.  The way merch through Patreon works is every 3 months you are subscribed at one of the Cloutlaw tiers, Patreon automatically sends out a piece of merch.  Patreon handles all the manufacturing and shipping.  

Unfortunately, after 12 months there is not an option to keep uploading designs for 15 months, 18 months, etc.  I've even gone as far as to reach out to the Patreon merchandise team to ask them to add this functionality and they told me to go suck an egg.  To get around this, every January we just create a new merch tier and ask our Cloutlaw subscribers to switch tiers.  If ever you say to yourself "I've been paying these fuckers $25/month forever where is my crap" it is likely because you've been at a tier for over 12 months.  

The other thing about how Patreon does merch subscriptions is there is no way to customize what you get sent.  For example if you want the BBQ Wolfman shirt, you have to be at Cloutlaw 2 for 6 continuous months, you can't choose to get it after 3 months.

Hopefully that clears up some questions!  And damn, look at those styling designs.  If you have any other questions leave a comment below or send us a message on here and I'll be happy to try and clear things up further!


Admin "A"



Will K.

What's the origin of the cross in the "Pass The Blunt" shirt? I wanna tell my friends it's not a burning cross


lol Shumbledick always wore a shirt for Christian camp getaway in Costa Rica called Pass the Cross lol