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We talked more about cat poop and dog poop more than ever before as well as why there aren't dumbwaiters anymore and deer and bear and horse and dog doorbells



Horses are tall, good at breaking up crowds, and can maneuver well through traffic or otherwise crowded streets where a car or motorcycle would get trapped


I get sinus infections crazy frequent and it always starts with coughing/sneezing up yellow crap, and ever since like 2019 I just haven’t had the time to go to the Doctor for it so I literally just do CVS virtual care. It’s out of network so it’s like $50 each time but its a 5 minute meeting with an overworked NP who listens to me say “I’m coughing up yellow crap” and then gives me steroid pills codine cough syrup and strong antibiotics. I only ever fill the antibiotics but it shocks me every time LOL