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I think the title of this post accurately describes what you can expect here.  We spent a good amount of time watching this big fat Juggalo with a face tattoo stream his 4 hours of nightly sleep.  That's not all though. We also went into a pretty deep dive on original WeirdTwitter super star DadBoner, where we watched his Comedy Central pilot and his VICE featurette.  Lots of chugging beer and malt liquor in this one too.  Also, theres a few COVID song parodies and some videos from our classic cabal of villains.

This is addressed at the end of the video, but anyone in the $25 who has earned a mug they SHOULD be shipping out soon.  We think it has something to do with our payouts (they pay for shipping etc. out of it) so if they haven't been sent out by mid September we will start harassing patreon to find out what's up.  Also as always if you still need a patreon benefit from here please let us know! Peace!


57 years of age white male in a swim suit sleeping


robert mcbobson

some good contributions from grutle and frances in this one, and robbizoid almost invents a great new stream character 'nancy gulosity', which I guess is just nancy pelosi except she plays valorant now.


I wanted to let you know I wanted to blow my head off listening to dadboner