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This week we discuss the wonderful world of free to play, Jeff hates DLC, Nintendo haults its Ness Classic production, Microsoft announces self serve refunds, Peter Moore tells Sega to #@%! off, The Last Jedi gets a trailer, and we ironically create DLC.




Hey guys! As a long time lagtv fan, I was wondering if you would be interested in me creating a short audio clip to introduce your technical support or movie segment. If not, that's all good too! Keep up the great work boys.


I'm not against hearing it if you do something! I can't promise it'll be in but if you like you can send it to us! [A]


Hey guys I would just like to say that I love the new podcast. Honestly I am not a twitch guy because I actually have to sit down and watch something. I would rather listen to a podcast while driving or multitasking. Keep it up! I miss hearing your guys rantings and this is perfect!