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Hey everyone!

So as we stumble through this process like a drunken baby, we're diddling the details to make things the best we can! Today that means an update to the $50 and $100 tiers!

People were wondering about how pins could be such an expensive tier, and truth be told it's because they're expensive to make. That being said, we took a look at the $50 tier and thought it could use a bump!

As of today the $50 Collector's Edition Tier will get one of our hard enamel Technical Alpha Logo pins! That of course means that the $100 tier gets to have one too!

For the (currently) two legends at the $250 tier you'll still get yours plus the more exclusive head-trio pin, so no worries.

Panic and I had another chat today about the stickers, pins, and posters to better work out how it will all look and where and how we will source it all. I'll be chipping away at the stickers and posters while he handles the pins.

We really appreciate all the support and patience from you guys for the deliverables. The first run of everything will of course be the rockiest so thanks for your understanding!

In related news we will be eventually moving the website off of Wix as the Patreon Wall is going to be too much for me to personally keep up to date. We'll likely be able to have it automatically updated which will take a big load off of me and my photoshop file haha.

For those interested we did a test run with all of the endless software we'll be using to make this podcast possible last night. It went surprisingly well and we even fixed Jeff's now infamous mic issues (it was the mixer afterall)! There are still some oddities but we should hopefully be able to work through those in a live environment. It's beginning to make sense why so many podcasts are done locally and not so much remotely - it's a bit of a gongshow haha. Cross your fingers that Technical Alpha stays that only in name come this Friday but I think we'll be ok!

That should be all for this stream of conscious, so until we meet again have a good one!




Stephan Legaard

is there any way to rewatch the podcast for patrons outside of subbing to the twitch?


It'll be up on Youtube, so yep! [Adam]