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Welcome, everyone! We're super excited to start this new project and hope you're just as excited to join us for the ride!

Technical Alpha's first live podcast is currently scheduled for March 17th, 2017 - so mark your calendar!

To those who subscribe at any level, we are forever grateful. If you can't join the Patreon family don't worry, we're incredibly thankful for you just being a listener!

God help us all. We're actually doing a podcast. Brace for impact, Technical Alpha is here!



Fell in love with LagTV during Season 1 of When Cheese Fails. Fell out of love with SC2 a couple of years back but kept coming back for random rants. Looking forward to the rants unimpeded by SC2!


I have money riding on you guys to succeed! ...you're gonna succeed right... right guys? ...guys... Seriously pumped; a podcast is a long overdue for your guys' talents, and you guys are doing it properly. That theme... First time I've subbed to any Patreon creator, because if you went away from the internet, the world would be a duller, less Canadian place.