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Hey gang, I've been selling my soul creating content all day overtime hours for *ahem* anyway... just wanted to share some of the art I've been making for the next video.

I'm going in a very "goblin'd out" direction this time. I had a bit of an epiphany during a psychedelic trip recently that it takes me way too long to make videos, so maybe if I make my art style more simple and more consistent I can REALLY speed up my art process without sacrificing quality.

So here's what I've come up with- goblinfolk!

For inspiration, I looked over a bunch of character model sheets for the Simpsons & Disney (maybe you can see the influence?) and also checked out a bunch of online artists who draw goblins- including a surprising volume of goblin porn??? There's apparently a fairly big community who jerks off to these little green rapscallions. Obviously these are the people who have thought about how to draw goblins the most.

So in the next video, everyone's a goblin. Me, Oliver Anthony, Ronald Reagan- EVERYBODY. Goblins vary in their height, weight, gender, ears, and teeth but they all have weirdly big forearms- and that's canon now!

Let me know what you make of these gobbos. I think they're cute but they didn't really make things quicker for me this go around. If I decide to keep this style long-term I imagine It would get easier.

PROGRESS: I'm about halfway through doing the art at the moment and I'm hoping to have the full thing complete for you by the weekend.



Michael Bank

I like the art. I think standardization is good for branding, and it doesn't sacrifice the hand-made charm of your work. More importantly, as you surmount the learning curve, things will get easier and faster for you. We hungry Chill-Goblin fans will also benefit from more frequent entertaining, enlightening, thought-provoking (yet diverting) content before the final global fire-tornado arrives. It's Win-Win!

Emily Armstrong

I love these! The goblin children definitely have a Simpsons kids vibe. If you're looking for goblin character inspiration, I might also recommend the art on Magic the Gathering cards. They've created multiple species of goblins from all different worlds.


Yesss that’s what I’m hoping! I have a tendency to start everything from scratch every video and basically teach myself a new art style. Hopefully having a direction to start from will be very helpful


Yep the kids all pretty much got Bart bodies! I didn’t check out Magic the Gathering cards but that’s a great idea. Dunno why I limited my search to deviantart