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What’s up Cool Ghouls? Hope you’re all having a great pandemic summer. I’m officially double vaxxed and ready to play the sax (common expression). Went to a restaurant and ate indoors a couple days ago, what a great time to be alive!

Wanted to give everyone an update because I’m behind where I’d like to be on my next video. The topic, colonialism’s relationship to fascism, is a really interesting one and I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research about it (also even more procrastination), and looking at my schedule right now there’s no way I’ll be able to get a quality video out by the end of the month.

I don’t want to take advantage of my patrons so I’ve decided not to charge you for any month where I didn’t put out a full length video. You want a video, and I also want $$$money$$$ so hopefully this can encourage me to put videos out more regularly. I really want to get one out a month, that’s very doable and I want to use Patreon as motivation to achieve this goal.

The video should be done and up for you guys by the end of the first week of August, and I’ll put another one out by the end of August as well. Two videos for one low, low monthly price* (*price may also be high depending on what your monthly pledge is and what you consider a lot of money)!

Other than that, wishing everyone a happy vaccine season. Hopefully you can enjoy a bit of summer before the next wave shows up wherever you’re at.



Kevin P

I appreciate what you're doing but bro, just take my measly $1 a month and use it towards a snack or something; video or no video.


it's very kind and considerate of you, and i won't speak for anyone else but i have to say for me personally: i don't feel like i am 'paying for one video per month', i just like the content you make and want to see what else you'll be able to come up with and can afford to support that a little. if what you are working on is a bigger and more time consuming project that's really all good with me -- and reversely it doesn't sit quite right with me to make things harder for you if you want to do that; put in the time and effort you think is necessary. i would argue that should be 'incentivised', not 'punished'


Thanks so much Sofie! I appreciate this post. Sometimes it does take me longer than expected to get a video out, glad to hear you’ve got my back either way :)