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Disintegrity, old and new : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rqvbs0AhHkXSvBJQgKu35UspVeCur6CM?usp=sharing

Just new : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1axdXteUc7pbZZD6PljuDC7JINqTEkRoV?usp=sharing

Now, the last page of Bromance Done ! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EedcP4__VR_gS8RP7kMPcSLfPz0bjsZx?usp=sharing

Well, this page took a bit more work than I had planned. It was supposed to be just some boring page with nothing on it to serve as an epilogue but I revised that plan cos.. Well. It's sexier that way. I want to have it done in july but here we are in august, oh well...

So, final-thoughts-about-the-comic time : I think it peaked in page 7 then kinda dropped in quality. My problem probably is that, in the end, I don't find Law as fun to bottomize as Luffy. I think it fits as far as the writing goes that Luffy would want to be on top but I just find it much hotter when Luffy bottoms. So I really like page 7 but most page after that ? They feel less impactful, less fun, Law looks eh, the poses are more awkward... S'too bad.

Otherwise tho, I'm happy with it. I'm also happy I got it done in like 4 months, 13 pages isn't a lot but ey, it's still a lot of work. I'm glad I got to lewd Luffy, he's a fun characters to draw, he's cute and dumb and that's my style of characters !

Now, what to do next ? Well, Disintegrity is almost done but not quite so there's that. 

The big comic I'll start will be a sequel to Simian Exposure for sure but I need time to pre-produce it, design the backgrounds and write the story better. Still, it'll start this year.

I'm not too sure beside that. I want to do some Sidilink so I'll probably start something like that this week, should be a rrrrreally short comic that's just to the point as can be. Otherwise eeeeeh I dunnow. Maybe some other tiny comics. I'll see.

Well anyway, see you then ! And by 'then', I mean whenever I have something to show




Sidlink will be great. Don't know if you're into it, but something from the Pokemon universe might be fun . Lots of hot guys to lewd from there (Leon and Raihan get my vote, or the OG Red and Blue, or Kiawe and the other trial captains from Sun and Moon). A Kiribaku comeback is also totally ok in my book. Or other characters from the BNHA universe if you want. I don't know what other fandoms you're into. Haikyuu? DC or Marvel? Honestly, whatever you draw, I'll be more than happy to look at it and praise it. haha.


super happy to see the monkeys will finally return.


Same here, I've been wanting to draw them again for a while but I'm getting at a point where I just have too many characters and all the sequel I want to do just won't be possible.