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Well I told you his was a short comic didn't I ? Oh wait we're only slightly more than halfway through, nevermind. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how this page came out. I just think it's nice yaknow. Luffy is fucking spraying, balls are certainly colliding, dark caverns are being flooded, s'good stuff, very cute, very cute.

I'm going to start posting the comics for all to see now, I don't think I'm going to tweak the earlier pages anymore. They're fine, s'good to go !I say !




oof yeah, the balls touched, it's irredeemably gay now. ... good.

Daddy Bearcat

I'm surprised he doesn't leak where his parts come together... 🤭


Your art is so good. Even when I have no personal affinity for the character or any fucking idea what's going on.... i still find so much joy in just looking at the way you draw. Love it! So glad I'm here to support you in some small way. Thanks for what you do!


That would have to be a LOT of juice for it to come out through the seams but there are no seams anyway so it wouldn't !


Thanks ! I guess it's not all that comprehensible for people who don't know these people's powers but the point is, dey fuk. So I guess that's fine.