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Took me a while to come up with a name I liked but I think "Bromance Done" is, hm, an inspired choice. Those in the know will get it, anyone else will be like "ok ? ..." so to those, here's some context : nevermind just don't think about it it's fine.

Now, this comic's probably going to be longer than "short", depending on your definition. The plan is for it to be around 12, possibly 13 pages... 14 if you count the cover that I'm currently making cos I feel like it (and I'm not gonna post the comic publicly til it's done)... In other words, it's gonna take many months to get done. Oh well, tis how tis.

I'm going to post the suggestion call later today so get ready !




I love this

Diego P

The possibilities with Law's power and Luffy's elasticity are endless!


Yyyyyeah but don't assume too much cos I'm not going to take it very far... I'm way to vanilla to do anything creative yaknow


I have no knowledge of affinity for these characters, but I just love looking at your drawings. And I love the puns. Top tier work here.