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Sorry for the wait, this pose actually was much harder to do than I thought and in fact it's probably not great but I'm tired of it so this is it.

Last time, I said that I'd probably re-introduce the removed big panel from page 85 into the next page. I think I said that anyway, it was a while ago now. But here it is, to some extent. I'm not gonna lie, it's not particularly necessary, it's one of those page that just feels weird cos the main panel doesn't highlight anything all too interesting, much the same as the main panel of page 85 did. I just moved the weird from one page to the next. But I also didn't feel like the old page 86 was interesting at all. There was nothing too special on it, the only panel that mattered was the one on the bottom right. So I'd still say it's more fun to look at even if it's not properly "fixed".

One if the problems of old 85-86 was that Zee was still plapping away at Larsen's butt which I suppose I could have left but it just feels physically impossible. He's nomming away at the nipple and diving into his butt ? Hmmmm maybe not. So instead zee is just handsy instead. It just seems more natural and makes the moment when Zee plaps away a few pages later seem more impactful. I also changed the dialogue since there's a bit later on when Zee and Larsen are arguing about Larsen loving having teeth on his nips so it doesn't seem necessary to keep it the same.

As for page 87, there's three different versions because I was happy with how the first pass on the remake looked. For one, it would have looked awkward when juxtaposed to 86. The linework just isn't anywhere near similar. For two I didn't like the first two panels. So I fixed all that.

Anyway that's all I gotta say !



Diego P

Looking so much better!


if you flip back and forth through the last three images it makes kind of a neat little animatic and I agree btw fucking someone who's sitting on your lap while you bite their nipples and lick your way up their neck and face is a feat of coordination.


What was an awesome comic before is truly becoming an amazing comic. These remakes are stellar, and I'm so grateful you're taking the time to do them.


Yeah. Don't know what I was thinking in 2016. Not that I fixed all the weird sex poses in this remake but fffffuukkit