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Took me longer than I thought cos I messed up the heads on the second panel, but anyway, here it is !

also, the poll winner is :

 D) Larsen and Roussel frot and splooj 




who kissed who? in previous panel baku is turned away, did he turn around and surprise kiss kiri, or did kiri kiss him when baku turned. kiris eyes look more surprised. baku just always looks angry.


I think Bakugou kisses Kirishima just to stop him from saying "cute": in the last panel of page 40 Kirishima is about to say "you sound sooo cu..." when Bakugou thinks "Don't say it". While this was the actual idea - thus Kirishima looks surprised - , Bakugou seems to like it beyond the purpose - "I allmost came" - , so his facial expression is not angry, but also surprised by the feelings and arroused.


I was wondering what is written in the background of panel 1, but answering TegisVaru, I guess now it's "SHUT UP!" (thus, don't say "cute"). Am I right?


i think baku is making annoyed face in panel 1 until their lips touch then he melts in the next panel. and yeah, shut up makes total sense