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For a few months now my production rate has just died compared to what it used to be. I don't really have any excuses for it, I don't know why it's gotten so hard to make pages. It is tho. What I could do in a day takes me at least three nowadays and I can't explain it beside just saying 'I'm struggling'.

So I apologize. I really do feel bad about it, sucks and it's weighing me down but I legitimately have no idea what to change to get back the rythm I used to have.



My only worry is making sure you're OK. I didn't become a patron to get art stuffs, I like what you do and I support you, and I want to make sure that you're alright


Don't worry about that. Blocks happen. Do things that relax you or make you happy. We'll be here when you update, and until then, I would hope we all have our own lives to deal with. (So ignore anyone who nags you.)

The Orange Cow

I don't really have any meaningful advise to offer, but regardless, best wishes in getting over this hump. Whatever the pace, your content is enjoyable.


More pages now! Just kidding, I think that you deserve a break. You work for counties hours to make a single page. The least that we could do is revisit some of our favorites from your library to dissect every detail and enjoy them all over again!


I mean even at the rate you're going you're still faster than anyone I've seen make comics so......... yeahhhhh


break and come back to it seems to work for me.