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One more post under the tree on Christmas morn! I hope you all enjoyed Rise of the Krampess. I can’t believe I knocked out 12 pages in time for the holidays, especially considering I didn’t really start until December 3! It really was my favorite thing I’ve done all year. I hadn’t been this excited to work on something in a long time. I don’t want to jinx anything or make any promises I can’t commit to, but this is the kind of thing that could —could— get me back in gear to start Uunderburbs #20. Check out the captions for more info on the sketches, and I’ll see you in 2024!

I would of course be remiss if I didn’t shout out DarkZamiel for planting the seed for this whole thing in the discord suggestion box. I may not act on the suggestions often, but I always read them, I swear!


First sketch of the Krampess. She had to be hairy, she had to have the long tongue, she did not need to have exposed tiddy.
Revised Krampess. I gave her more casual clothes rather than the robe from sketch 1. Replaced the generic belts with a harness while inking,
Holiday outfits for Angela and Winifred! The Peter Pan collar is a new look for Win, and I think she pulls it off.
Mid-TF sketch. Wanted to show the itchiness, even if I decided to show AND tell in the finished page.
First Krampettes sketch. I probably did this before working on the girls’ pre-TF designs. I have been drawing them for a little while.
Revised Krampettes. It’s fun to make evil little critters that creep around. Even more fun when said critters were once NOT critters!
I knew this joke had to be in the final. I don’t sketch a lot of dialogue. I mostly work from mental notes.
Rosemary and the purified Krampettes! Didn’t sketch a regular Rosemary, just got some holiday dress reference and winged it.
What if Bel was a Krampette? The final pages would be too crowded. She’d be too into it. Rosemary was struggling enough to say Win was nice.


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