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Winifred Pale has had some color returned to her cheeks by way of Angela’s scroll. At least, I think she has. I only did a limited palette. But Angela is definitely looking a little greener. I sure hope that scroll of hers isn’t sapping her friends of their monster essence and transferring it to her witch soul!




Oh this is progressing wonderfully. Winnie honestly looks fantastic like this.


I take back what I said yesterday about Win being lucky her scroll didn’t work in the same way, she looks amazing here!


I know the whole point was to look like a cheap costume, but Win just looks happy in her untucked, store-bought clothes and nylon cape!


It at least still harkens back to the randomness of Winifred’s scroll, which would just make up a monster for people not wearing costumes. In this case, the scroll decided to make Human Win more pleasant whereas Bel stayed nasty. Or maybe with no world to conquer, Win is left simply as a supportive friend? I’m not sure. I draw first and apply logic later.


My personal theory is that a lot of Win’s issues are simply part and parcel of being a vampire so they've been sucked out of her ;)