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Looks like Human Resources (Monster Resources in Underborough?) has thwarted Taryn’s schemes for the time being. She looks so dejected though. She was only trying to have a little fun by whispering about people in ways that alter their minds and bodies! Geez!



Brandon Booth

This has been rather fun. Question though, does Winifred also still have breast implants?


I enjoyed this quite a lot, Taryn certainly fits right in and a transformation filled introduction is always a plus


Trying to keep up with these TF-based office antics has given me a headache.


Shelley, singlehandedly destroying the unaffected's betting pool fun Jeff from accounting was so hoping on some animal based dig was gonna show up before the end of the month, he'd have won enough to pay off his student loans.


Angela's looks have unironically been so cute and adorable...have loved the way you've done the mix of pink hues and all. Cute outfits 🩷🩷🩷