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Taryn keeps the ball rolling, altering Angela’s once modest office attire. I’m not sure if Taryn is talking to anyone or not. Does the rumor magic work by actually telling other people, or does simply speaking the rumor make it manifest itself? Then people see Angela sauntering around the office, and they begin to talk, propagating the rumor?




Honestly, a really cool TF trigger ^^ Looking forward to seeing more!


This going the route I hope it's going?


Either way the trigger works, it's a fun idea that capitalizes on others' perceptions becoming reality. Have you or Wren read the comic "Department of Truth" by any chance? It has a very similar conceit to this.

Krishna Dudhee

I hope she gets a better suit


This is continuing to be excellent. Can’t wait to see the next parts!


Don’t start a rumor No, no, don’t start a rumor Words can hurt and spread like a tumor So play it safe and don’t start a rumor

Brandon Booth

I feel like a question that should be asked is does Taryn know she is altering the individual through her rumors? Is she just being catty or adores she actually believe her own assumptions before the change happens? Or does she know exactly what she is doing.