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I was in the middle of working on stuff and realized I haven't made a post today. So how's about a nice, clean scan for once instead of phone pics? This will be on DeviantArt eventually, but I wanted to show you how the epilogues look when I scan them in. Those crop lines are just under 5"x5", so I really have to pack a lot into a small space. (Hence, Goat-taur Bel got cut.) To make the finished product, I'll put the drawing in Photoshop and convert it to RGB. Then I'll generally just colorize it, so the image keeps all the pencil shading, but also isn't just a b/w image. Colorizing also helps the individual epliogues stand apart. For this one (and I'll link to the finished piece once it's posted), I copy/pasted multiple layers and colorized each of them differently. Then I erased the parts around the characters or backgrounds. The result is that all of the characters and backgrounds have their own color. I'm not sure if it's an easier way to color, but it's my desired effect for the epilogues.




How did you decide on Angela's hair in the first place, anyway? It's an incredibly distinctive look that I don't recall seeing anywhere else. it's kind of similar to how some anime give 'disctinctive' insane hair jags to characters.


I'm honestly not sure. Her hair evolved before making the comic. The proto-Angela had similar bangs, but had pigtails with a white streak through them. The bent hair things on the sides just came about because I just kept drawing things until I got something I liked.

Wren Zephyr

This is great Bit more than a daily doodle ;P


Well, I did say they could also be whatever I'm working on at the time. And getting a hi-res, (almost) raw scan is still different from what the DA crowd gets.

Wren Zephyr

Fair Looks really good ❤❤❤


Thanks! I thought you might like to see more centaur goodness. It's a shame that sequence you did based on the other epilogue never get further than the lineart stage. I liked that one a lot.