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She appears in Underburbs 16 as Hammer's personal assistant. She never showed up before, but everyone seems to know her besides poor, out-of-the-loop Winifred. And yeah, I snuck Winifred's transforming scroll into this sketch. Heather isn't wearing a Halloween costume of any kind, so the result would just be a random monster.

What would happen if we rolled those dice? Sound off in the comments!




not sure why, but something just went 'creature from thje black lagoon' at me. with like the fin ears. it might be her ears :o


Virtually nothing! She grows a single additional hand out of her back that helps her with multitasking. Maybe an extra freckle.

Dennis Wiles

The Japanese kurakasa Obake i think thats the name of that weird ass umbrella monster......not sure why thats whatbpopped up in my head.


Why not some kind of insect? A sudden change into some sort of Bureaucrat-Beetle would make for a good nod to Franz Kafka, I think.


Spider-centaur maybe?