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Figured I’d better post some #MarchNeedsMoms content before April. Winifred gets all of the Mommification with none of the glamour. No 1950s dresses or extravagant bouffant this time. It’s all PBJs and driving to soccer practice. Will she ever awaken from this nightmare?

Well… yes. We’ve established that nothing I do here is permanent or has any ramifications whatsoever.




"Soccer mommification." It'll be interesting to watch THIS subgenre develop.


I’ll be honest, if we’re going modern moms, I expected Winn to look more like a Karen Soccer Mom


On the bright side with her talents I bet she could become head of the PTA/Homeowners association by the end of the week.


That's what happens when you drink the blood of the lower classes.

Dennis Wiles

WoW I think this is one of my favorite Winifred drawings this year!