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Well, it's been eleven days since the launch of my Patreon account. I apologize (like all confident artists do) if the offerings of tiers and goals are lacking in glitz thus far. I feel like starting a thing like this has been long overdue for me, but I also started it while trying to start another issue of The Underburbs. That takes up all of the art-making time that I have to carve from the leftovers of work, eating, and sleep. By mid-March or April, I'd like to start taking commissions and offering more tiers. Then I can start introducing some polls for mini-comics and sequences that my DA watchers are familiar with.

And yes, I realize my sole goal is a bit on the ridicuous side. But the thing is, I've been doing The Underburbs alongside a day job for so long that I don't know what a smaller goal would accomplish. Financially, The Underburbs has been self-sufficient for over ten years. Through sales at conventions and local comic shops, I've always made enough to print more books and do more comic cons. Time is the only component that's missing from the equation here. So I figure, why not shoot for the moon? A little bit of money certainly helps to buy materials, and I'm very appreciative of it, but the only thing that guarantees more art is freeing up those 40+ hours a week while still being able to pay the bills.

So I want to thank all you early adopters. I know right now, you're seeing a lot of behind-the-scenes footage of stuff you may not necessarily seen the actual scenes of. I appreciate you sticking around. There will be a lot more complete work posted here once the comic is finished.

(Man, I should have led with the thank you, not the apology. Next time.)

Thanks again, and please post any comments or questions, and I'll be sure to respond.



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