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Okay, so I need to show Tandy and Zan stuffing progressively greater amounts of marshmallows into their mouths while also turning into chubby bunnies. I have no idea how to panel this. And like, what’s the specific trigger? Do they gradually grow ears and fur and put on weight? Does it hit suddenly from swallowing a mouthful of marshmallows? This is way too complex and I did not give myself nearly enough time. I’m stuck between my desire to complete a story with these characters whom I love, but not trying to turn out a lousy product because I’m struggling too much with it. But I feel like I’ll never finish it if I set it aside for later. And now I feel like I’m making you pay to watch a grown man drag himself through artist’s block. Aaaaaaaaaaaazaz




I think you're on to something with the swallow idea. Kind of like a wave washing through them each time and the degree of changes based on the amount of marshmallows each swallow. That feels like it could be visually dynamic.

Dennis Wiles

You'll get it. I have faith you'll figure it out and it will be glorious


I do like with each swallow idea. Maybe with each reputation or attempted repetition of chubby bunny?