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Hello, wonderful patrons. I’m feeling a little stressed and burnt out for multiple reasons, so I think I gotta take a week off from posting. Just a lot of things hitting at once. I won’t go into details, it’s nothing as serious as a death on the family or anything, but I just need a break. I’ll see you all on Halloween!



see ya later then. Life has been relentless lately.


Take it easy man, stress is the accumulating killer after all, so it needs to beaten back every now and then.


Take care of you; been there lately myself


Take as long as you need man. Try to get some good relaxation in.


Eat some pumpkin pie and chill out, bro. ;)

Dennis Wiles

Take your time my good sir, we all get burnt out at times. Relax and try to enjoy your self


Take care of yourself, Joe!