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The Axe Maiden saga may or may not continue. This is as far as I got after a week of sketching and being asked for revisions. I got to what I thought was a good sketch, dude asked for more revisions once I got to inking, and I did something I have never done before: I fired a commissioner. Now don’t go after this guy, he did pay me a kill fee. But also, if I sound unreasonable, know that the revisions were sent to me as colored lines drawn over my sketches. Don’t do that shit. I went to art school. I am 45 goddamn years old. I know neither of those facts makes me infallible, but I have my limits.



Dennis Wiles

Looks really good here!


I think he knows how to depict your characters, J.


Wait People can request revisions for stuff regarding...your own characters??? That feels weird.


I mean, the axe maiden concept was theirs, but when it’s stuff like “point the knife more this way,” that’s when I’m like THEN DO IT YOURSELF


Aw dang, like the concept, but sounds like they were a headache. Either way, looks great, and sorry you had to deal with that