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I’m doing something I haven’t done in a very long time: bonus sketches for Underburbs mail orders! I’ve got a real collector on my hands. Not only did the dude order all the trades online; he even tracked down most of the issues on eBay! I’m sending him the remaining five along with some snazzy drawings on oval matboard. Yep, I’m still using whatever is lying around my day job for drawing materials!

Anyway, here’s Angela in a fun dress. I like drawing her hair up in new ways now and again. The loose strands coming from the bun are sufficiently spidery without being too on the nose.



Dennis Wiles

Ah they got the issues 6-12 I think it was on Ebay, I was sent an offer to buy um but they must have beat me before I got the agreement cause when I went to accept offer they was gone gone gone lucky bloke


Aww, this one is so cute ! \o/