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Birthday gift for Wren!

At first, you only hear the faint scattering of seeds. Quiet, almost soothing, yet somehow demanding attention. You look down at the small pile. It doesn’t seem much different from the dirt it was cast upon. But the longer you look, the more the seeds seem to glisten in the light. The colors and textures of each individual grain begin to reveal themselves. The sight of them starts to give you goosebumps, or something like them. You bend down for a closer look, unconcerned that you are bending forward at the waist rather than simply kneeling. But you look at things with your face after all, and this will bring your face closer to the object of your sudden infatuation. You hear the tearing of fabric as you lean closer, but you are not going to let any distractions get between you and the seeds. Your seeds. A quick dart towards the ground and back confirms that the seeds taste as good as they look. Your tail feathers shake with delight.




She goes through so many shoes like this.

Dennis Wiles

chickens are fun to draw at least for me :)