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I watched Arcana on Netflix recently. I have no knowledge or experience regarding League of Legends, but for all I know that made me like the show more. It’s a weird show in a way that hits every conceivable trope (you’re just a kid, loss of a fatherly mentor figure,idealistic rich kid sees how the other half lives, etc) but still manages to pull them off. But the trope that tickles me the most is the ol’ scientist who cannot believe that his technology made from forbidden knowledge could ever, ever be used to destroy!

Pardon the inaccuracy of the characters and their costumes. I don’t even remember their names. They are just “Science Guy” and “Science Guy (Cane).”




Hulk hands perfectly encapsulated the year 2003 for me.


This reminds me of one of my favorite sketch comedy bits: https://youtu.be/8HgejSCHRi8

Steve Hedge

Actually, it’s called Arcane, not arcana but I know what you were talking about