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As you may have noticed with the arrival of February and March, the Monthly Mutation is simply not something I can realistically keep up with. My real life responsibilities just don’t leave me enough time to knock out even a simple three page comic once a month on top of the daily posting I do here, the occasional commissions on Deviantart, and the prospect of finally starting another Underburbs someday.

But here’s the good news for all you monthly mutation tier patrons! As you may have seen from some of my posts during the last couple weeks, I’ve been trying to put some art streams together. Right now it’s just on discord. It’s free to set up an account there, and I’ll post the invite link to my server below. It’s a voice call, but obviously there’s no pressure to actually speak. Feel free to mute and/or deafen. Since I draw on my iPad, I’m using my phone as a second monitor to read chat. I haven’t done this with a large enough group yet to feel the need to post community rules or guidelines, but just be cool and respectful to each other. I plan to stream on Fridays and maybe some Saturdays. Still working out a schedule for that, but I’ll be sure to post on the discord when I’ll be on. There’s a suggestion box in the server, so if I’m not working on anything in particular, I can grab ideas from there.

I hope this will be a fun alternative to… not making a comic each month? Again, I hope this isn’t a disappointment for people that enjoyed more of the.long-form content, but it’s just more than my schedule can handle.

Here’s the link, hope to see you there!




So, the Monthly Mutations tier is being turned into an art stream level? Or is this the discord access level now?