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It was all an elaborate PSA! Don’t worry, Angela didn’t really un-/re-birth her own mom! I’m not weird! Where’s everybody going?




Imagine actually fearing your monster boobs

David abanes

Well Angela might need some magic based therapy and counseling from all this XD

Dennis Wiles

I had a long talk with my nieces and nephews after they used black magic to summon demons Christmas 2 years ago, it was Hell sending my Ex back through that portal, try being married for 4 days to heavyset demon named X'zamumagoth The Devourer Of Hot Pickles And Mother Of All Sulfur Imps......I live an interesting life :(


Probably the biggest roller coaster ride in a five page sequence I've seen in a while! Impressive.

Jay Jay

I like to imagine there’s just a multiverse of Angela’s who didn’t get the reset switch hit on their shenanigans.