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Happy Xmas Eve, everyone! Here’s a little taste of a Zan and Tandy comic I’ve been planning. I wanted to make it around thanksgiving, then thought maybe I could get it out by now. That hasn’t happened. So not to bum you all out in this joyous holiday season, but I do want to apologize for my Monthly Mutation tier becoming less and less monthly. When I started this Patreon, there wasn’t a global pandemic and my job wasn’t a minimum 40-minute drive from my apartment. Finding time for any set of drawings with a narrative requires mental energy that I am lacking right now. I’m probably going to take the next week off posting, and I wish I could say I have some fun backup stuff to fill that space. Thanks to everyone who’s still sticking around, and I’ll see you in 2022.




Take a holiday break, man. You deserve one!

Billie Doherty

Take care of yourself, we love ya!


Take care of yourself. The pandemic has been tough on mental health.


You're doin' great, Joe. No stress. You're awesome! :)