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As I write this, we are only a few hours away from the reveal of the final character to be added to the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster. I’m not foolish enough to pin my hopes on anything. I really hope they get really weird with it. Maybe they’ll go as far back into Nintendo’s history as possible, and we’ll get a deck of hanafuda cards as a character. But if I had my druthers, I’d pick the only remaining third party character to warrant at least a trilogy on the NES: Ninja Gaiden’s Ryu Hayabusa. I know the 3D games just got a rerelease on the Switch, so it’s a possibility. I’d love a moveset based on the original games (the ones I grew up with), but if the Dragon Ninja snags the final slot, I will accept his more recent model as his main form, as long as his blue suit is an alt color.

If you don’t play Smash and didn’t get anything out of that rambling paragraph, please enjoy what I think is a pretty sick ninja drawing. My 6th grade self would be impressed.

EDIT: Oof wow I was way off




That game was the source of many a broken NES controller in my youth. Those f***ing birds were always the worst part...

Robert Louis Stoll

Meanwhile Nickelodeon just dropped Allstars. I don't care if it looks somewhat unpolished I'll take that over whatever Nintendo will try and flaunt. I stopped being impressed how much Nintendo depends on their cultish reputation and "will they won't they" abuse to keep people interested in Smash. It's time that Nintendo suffered a bit of recompense for their business practices.