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Angela opened and closed her new flip-phone curiously. She knew it was her phone, Winifred gave her a flip-phone. But why was it metallic pink? Wasn't her phone different? Smarter, somehow? No, that's ridiculous. How can a phone be smart? Still, the cutting-edge technology in her hand seemed naggingly dull. What year was it? Come on, Angela, sound it out. Two-thousand... Two thhhh.... "Present day," she said under her breath. She looked to the bluish glow at her fingertips. The dot matrix display read "2006." Phones can be just smart enough, Angela figured. At least they know what year it is! She could swear she heard canned laughter. Did she say that out loud? Was she always wearing so many layers? That wasn't important, she was late to meet Winifred to shoot a webisode or be in a band or whatever. Maybe George would be there, too. They were will-they-won't-they-ing last week, and she secretly harbored hopes for continuity!




considering underburbs debuted in the mid-2000s. we've now gone full circle


I think there's a panel in one of the early comics with a flip phone, lol.


The first issue hit the shelves in 2006, and I owned a Motorola RAZR at the time. Flip phones are definitely more fun to draw. The phone had little bat wings that popped out the sides when it was flipped open. Smartphones are harder to create little bells and whistles for. Bel might have one with a case that has horns or something, but it's not the same.